I can also help you!
*Do you have a screenplay in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French or Italian that you would like to work with?
*We can discuss ideas on how to approach the material in order to make your unique vision shine through.
*I can help you with script analysis and preparing for your rehearsals.
*Does directing actors make you nervous? Do you know how to communicate with them? Let's find out together, before you get on set.
*We'll brainstorm, shake it all upside down and turn you inside out so that you can lead your cast & crew by the example.
*We'll turn your insecurities into strengths, your fears into challenges and your vulnerability into leadership.
*But... Most importantly... We'll have fun every step of the way!!!!
Take a look at my very reasonable fees and check out my credentials below.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Have a great day!
Daniela De Carlo
- First hour: $50.
- Second hour: $35.
- Referrals: For each referral you send my way, you get the second hour free!
* To preview my work go to:
Then click on "Directors" then on "Daniela De Carlo"
Then click on "Directors" then on "Daniela De Carlo"
* To visit the award winning short The Gift Wrapper's blog:
* For a Filmmaker's bio, go to:
* For a Filmmaker's bio, go to:
* Industry Players have said about me and my work:
"Her heart is boundless, her humor and enthusiasm infectious, her spirit golden, and her commitment to filmmaking serious and solid. I work with many young directors. Daniela is one of the few I believe in both for her creativity and leadership."
Alexander Payne (Director, Writer, Producer)
"In my estimation, Daniela is an extraordinary director. Her ability to understand a script and bring to life its deepest emotional level, as well as its comedy, is exceptional. Equally remarkable is her work with actors - she is able to bring them to emotional depths and comic invention. She is also warm and smart, and a great collaborator."
Judith Weston (Stage Director, Published Acting & Directing Coach)
"I have to say Daniela's greatest passion is working with actors. There is something amazing about how she does it: she is very gentle, patient and definitely an exciting process to watch both in rehearsals and on set."
Robert C.Webb ASC (Emmy Winning D.P.)
"She is a director of extraordinary vision and, most importantly, she is someone who allows that vision to come through by bringing out the best in everyone around her, from the actors to the PAs, from the grips to the composer. She trusts her crew completely and allows everyone to shine.
Finally, Daniela is someone with vast experience in the film industry. She has worked in every department and has learned from the great directors she's worked with including Tony Scott, Alexander Payne and Peter Bogdanovich. She would be a great asset to any project looking for a professional and sensitive director."
Pedro Bromfman (Award Winning Film Composer)
"Watching Daniela work with actors is a privilege like no other. Never have I seen a director work with more conviction, compassion, foresight and intuition than Ms. De Carlo. She is able to view a text, interpret it, and transform it into playable language, allowing actors the freedom and guidance to create brilliant performances."
Michelle Thorson
Member, Screen Actors' Guild
"As a director, she possesses a rare talent for personalizing her work and finding ways to collaborate with actors to bring the material to life. Daniela approaches each actor individually, finding ways to bring their personal experiences to the work. She is adept at handling different personalities, juggling actors with contrasting approaches and styles without making either feel like he they're being compromised."
Luz Beato/Rachel Stander (Actors)
"Ms. De Carlo was amazing to work with; she was extremely prepared in rehearsals offering deep insights into the psychology of the characters, the history and facts of the story, and the relationships portrayed. Her command of the script made the short rehearsal period very effective and allowed me as an actor to focus on the emotional life of my character.
Ms. De Carlo also had a clear understanding of the style of comedy required by the piece. She offered several improvisations that helped us achieve the comedic style by focusing on the truth of the moment. Her joy for the process was contagious and made playing the sexual tones of the scene, simply put…a lot of fun.
The results of Ms. De Carlo's mastery of the directing process were apparent when we presented the scenes to an audience. The feedback from the teacher and other members of the workshop was nothing but positive, remarking on the believable relationship, the effectiveness of the romantic comedy style, and the wonderful nuanced performances.
It is not often that I get to work with such a well rounded, caring director like Ms. De Carlo. Her ability to listen to the actors and gently mold their performance is unique. She offers a Latino sensibility and a command for the creative process which will surely bring great success to any project she gets involved with."
Gabriel Romero (Actor)
"Daniela approaches a script in a visceral, intuitive manner. Working with Daniela is synonymous with being in an environment that is creatively alive and "in the moment." Her knack for understanding and connecting with people on a human level is what allows her to elicit such honest, truthful performances in a way. She is committed to serving the script and communicating the story and the relationships to the audience.
As a director Daniela is smart, professional, and extremely prepared. As an artist she is passionate, driven, and visionary. And as an individual she is all of this – as well as a joy to be around."
Atim Udoffia (Actor)
"Dani facilitates the acting process with her expansive knowledge about her own thoughts, feelings, visions and aspirations for the project she is directing. She brings comfort to the actors by allowing them as much explanation or time for reflection as they need for any scene.
Specifically, I remember one instance in which I was preparing for the scene involving the romantic final kiss under the mistletoe. Dani recognized that my co-star and I were standing and waiting in the middle of all the technical production work preparing for the shot. There were fans blowing, lights being rigged, people talking, and general set work being done all around us. Dani then came up with the idea to play slow Christmas songs on the radio and have my co-star and I dance slowly to the songs while embracing each other. Her insight worked. Instead of being lost in the craziness around us, we were, with Dani's suggestion, able to connect with each other and tune everyone else out until it was time for our final kiss together.
It was a pleasure to work with Dani. She is smart, insightful, easy-going, and relaxed. She is on the ball and effective. As an actor, I enjoyed working with Dani more so than any other director."
Charlie Farrell (Actor)
"We've been working together for a few months now and my biggest regret is that I didn't start to work with her sooner! What I love most about her approach is her attention to detail and her focus on her pupils' particular goals. For instance, I told Dani I wanted to improve my ability to act in and create real moments while speaking in the Spanish language." She replied "no problem"…and set-up a plan-of-action that included selecting & transcribing a scene from a critically acclaimed Spanish-language film for us to work-on. Dani also suggests numerous films that would be great for me to watch and study as I hone my craft. Her understanding of my particular desire to improve and of how to help me reach the level I'm striving for keeps me coming back for more!!! She is, in a word: amazing. It is an honor and a privilege to work with her. She is really so much more than an acting coach. She is almost like a life coach, a major spirit lifter I can always count on."
Voltaire Sterling (Actor, "The Great Debaters")
* Full and more letters available upon request.