Remember when you were a little kid and used to break into the music the moment you heard it?
When it was hard NOT to jump, twist&turn and go up and down a million times, certain you could touch the sky and then land back on the floor without a scratch?
Maybe you don't, but one thing's for sure: You were once that kid, so in tune with your body and so careless and free. So happy to be moving, so happy to hear the music playing. So happy.
Well. I'm happy to remind you it's never too late to claim back that magical, primal and powerful connection in which your body, music and movement become one.
I had never EVER taken dance classes before in my life, until a few years ago I was going through a personal crisis and a very intuitive friend (who's an actor) told me I should start dancing.
So I reached out to the universe and I was lucky to find the most amazing, encouraging and patient teacher,
Seda Aybay, who's also a choreographer and has her own dance company in Los Angeles.
She teaches over at
KATNAP DANCE CENTER in Mar Vista/Venice http://www.katnapdance.com/index.html
Monday 7;30-9:30pm (intermediate /advance)
Thursdays 6:30-8:0pm (beginning/intermediate)
Saturdays 2:30-4:00pm (beginning/intermediate)
Sundays 6:00- 8:00pm (intermediate /advanceAnd also @:
- Downtown Dance Loft: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1:30-3:00 pm (beginning/intermediate)
- Pasadena Le Studio: Tuesday, Thursday 2:00-3:30pm (beginning/intermediate) http://www.lestudiodance.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=22&
I have taken lots of friends to
Seda's classes and they've all come back for more. Thing is, her classes are not only amazing opportunities to have fun and express yourself but also to work-out and stay fit.
I can proudly say in the three years I have been dancing, my body has changed significantly (for the better). I feel more flexible, stronger, fitter and healthier than I've ever been.
Needless to say, actors and performers have historically been trained in dance. It is just so fundamental for an actor to feel good in her/his own body. To be able to be free and expressive and connected to everything and everyone else in the room.
I've also read dance betters your short term memory, so if you're an actor, dance class might
collaterally help you in memorizing your lines!
I will finish up by saying I find my dance classes extremely therapeutic. Mainly during stressful times I try not to miss them. They're my chance to meditate and float in my own emotions in a realm that is not verbal, logical or analytical. I can let my inner child out and about and, just like Billy Elliot says in his song "Electricity" by Elton John: "I'm free. I'm free."